More Prayer

Yes, Lord, our “human instincts” say that love always comes with strings attached. But.. “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

Draw me nearer to you, Lord. Hold me captive to your will. In the Name of Jesus, bind our hearts to you, Lord. No acceptance is greater than what Jesus did on that Cross, Lord. Help us to lay down our life…our pride and all that we believe that we are worth by earthly standards…for each other. Each other, Lord. Allow compassion to permeate our hearts. Let us not be able to walk by a hungry, starving soul on the street without feeding him or her…either with physical food…or with the bread of Life…the word. Even when we don’t have money, we should always have that.

I know, Lord, that if my finite mind and my chaotic thoughts were the stopping point of all that I could acquire in this life…then what a pitiful life it would be. Especially in comparison to the unspeakable joy that you provide in my surrendering fully to you. For your thoughts are higher that our thoughts and your ways are higher than our ways. Teach us, Lord…to recognize the subtle exaltation of unGodly things in our lives…Purge it from us, my Father. And as we grow, give us unspeakable and unimaginable favor…place us in places we’ve never been, with people we’ve never met… doing and creating things we could have never imagined…all for your Kingdom, all for your Glory.

In Jesus Name,
Your servant…

There are two undeniable truths. #1 There is a God #2 I am not Him.

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